Our Melanesian Masks we made at Corbans Art Centre

Lego All Blacks

Welcome to Room 7, 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

look at our fantastic landscape paintings created in the style of New Zealand artist Don Binney.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Corban Arts Centre Trip

On Tuesday 13th September we visited the Corban Arts Centre with Room 8. We looked at Melanesian masks and then made our own.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Artist Study - Don Binney and his artworks

We are learning about the New Zealand artist Don Binney. Here are some of our observations:

Don Binney uses colours that are different to the real thing (Liam)

There is always a background to suit the birds (Alex) You can see lots of curvy lines and not many straight lines (Amelia)

He overlaps shapes (Kris), He mixes colours to make different sorts of colours - dark and light (Madison
I like how he makes the birds big and everything behind small so the bird is right in front. He shows how big the birds are by making them go off the page (Jaynee)

Artist Study - Don Binney

More observations on Don Binney's art ...

He draws birds (Brooklyn)

He makes the colours really stand out (Finn), He paints landscapes and uses things that are native to New Zealand (Paige)

His paintings are very simple and there's not too much detail (Amelia)

Monday, August 29, 2011

Citrus Trees for Three Kings School

The Crystals Reading Group created a photo-story about the new citrus trees that we have planted at our school.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Geometry and 3D shapes

We have been learning about 3D shapes. We have made straw models of shapes and paper nets. We have really loved making the shapes. Oliver's favourite part was making the cubes out of straw and modelling clay. Olivia's favourite activity was making the paper nets and then turning them into 3D shapes.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Monday, July 11, 2011

100 Days at School

Every school day this year we have placed an iceblock stick into our Days At School Counting box. Today we finally reached one hundred days at school - yeeha!
We celebrated with a special cake and we did maths facts about 100.
My Squid
By Amelia

My squid has teeth as nasty as snake’s fangs. My squids name is Daisy. She is as fast lightning. Her skin is as smooth as leather. Her attitudes are very scary. Her food she eats is sharks.

My Squid

My squid is as slimy as goo. He is as tall as the sky tower. He is as fierce as a dragon. He’s as fast as a cheetah, and his teeth are as sharp as swords. His tentacles are terribly long. How he terrifies everyone in the deep blue sea. He is dark green and brown. He will suck you up with his strong tentacles and you will never be seen again.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Super Squids

We have been writing descriptions of Super Squids. Here are some of them:

My Super Squid

By David Li

My squid’s name is Ruby Jessa. He is strong and mighty. He is as slimy as a slow snail with goo running out of his head. His tentacles are sticky as stickers. He is very annoying and he chucks your food in the recycling bin when you’re not looking. He is so rude! His colour is dark green. He is as rude as a cheeky monkey!